Saturday, June 4, 2011

BP2_Little Bird Tales

As a special educator, my students often struggle with the writing process. I chose to research, navigate and learn how to use the Web 2.0 tool, Little Bird Tales. Using this tool will help minimize stress levels for my students and provide them with a fun tool to use in creating, recording and publishing unique stories that can be shared online.  

Little Bird Tales is a free service, without advertising, links or merchandising that was created with kids in mind. This tool encourages creativity and self-expression while reinforcing the essential skills of reading and writing. 

3 Easy Steps

Little Bird Tales will guide my students through three easy steps in creating a unique story that can be connected to our curriculum no matter what the subject area. The steps in creating a story from start to finish are as follows:

Step 1:
Create a Cover by uploading a photograph or illustrating the cover using the drawing option and click save.

Record your voice and text to each page and click save.

Step 3:
Email friends, teacher, or family your finished book.

Click here to view my Colorado Adventure story.

Click here to view a Little Bird Tale sample created by a student

Thank you for visiting and I encourage you to explore this fabulous Web 2.0 tool!


  1. This is an amazing tool you found! I am always trying to find kid friendly sites that allow for this type of writing and story creating practice. I teach PK-5 science lab, and one of the activities I had the 2nd graders do this year was to create a story that showed a drop of water changing state of matter and going through the water cycle. We used WindowsMovieMaker and it is probably the last time I will try that, but the tool you found here would be a great way to accomplish the same goal. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Rosie,

    Any site which encourages writing and creativity is near and dear to my heart. I love this tool, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for today's digital learner. I would venture to guess that this would even be a useful tool for adult learners as well, giving them a creative outlet to express their creativity and be published. Little Bird Tales seems so easy to maneuver and use. Thank you for sharing!
