Sunday, June 12, 2011

Make Beliefs Comix is a web 2.0 site that offers individuals an opportunity to display their creativity and explore new possibilities. The easy to use site allows individuals to choose their own characters and add their own dialogue for each section of the comic strip.  
The site provides easy to follow directions and also offers a demonstration on how you can begin creating an imaginative and interesting comic of your very own.

Follow these simple directions and before you know it, you will have created your very own comic on literally any topic and/or subject area of your choice.

Begin by choosing a character and emotion.
Then insert your character into any panel window.
Add dialogue or thought balloons and start your character talking.
Add other characters and more dialogue. You can also add background color if you choose.
Add objects and panel prompts to keep your viewer engaged.
Lastly, you can review your creation, you can continue editing and make additional changes and when you are done simply click on print or you also have an option to email your creative comic to a friend.

Check out my comic creation!

Thanks again for visiting; Come back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Rosie, I viewed this website today and wondered is it would be easy to use and adaptable to my learning environment. You gave me confidence that the answer to both questions is a resounding YES! Great job!
