Saturday, June 11, 2011


Welcome back! I have been anticipating with great excitement my next adventure in If you can believe it, I learned even more while watching the last few chapters and I can't wait to implement some of the effects in a previous video project. Are you ready? I certainly am, so here we go!

While watching the Effects chapter, I constantly found myself reflecting and thinking about the feedback I received from Michelle regarding my Interview Video. Before pointing out what is wrong with my video clip, I would like you to take a look.

So, did you notice how jumping the video clip was?  Now I would like you to watch the video clip after I stabilized the video and added a sound effect.

Although my sound effect was not a sound I would normally use with my footage, I wanted to demonstrate my learning of adding a sound effect to a video clip. I also wanted to demonstrate that by clicking on the pop-up menu, clip adjustments and analyze entire clip, this feature would stabilize my video clip.

Finally, I would like to share with you documentation of my completion of the iMovie "11 Essential Training presented by Garrick Chow. Thank you for joining me on my practical learning experience adventure!

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